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29 February 2016
Another attempt to De-list Grey wolves is gaining momentum

An amendment to de-list the grey wolf was approved by the House of Representitives.
The amendment was proposed by Congressman Reid Ribble to remove the grey wolf from the endangered species list. Ribble and Johnson are behind the attempt to de list the wolves.
A Federal judge ruled that Wisconsin, Wyoming, Minnesota and Michigan have not done enough to protect the wolves and ensure their continued recovery. Wolves were put back on the Endangered Species list in 2014 effectively overuling the Fish and Wildlife decision to put wolves 'management back into the hands of these states.
These states all kicked off with public wolf hunts after control was put back into their hands by the US Fish and Wildlife Services which killed large portions of their wolf populations.

Animal protection Agencies and The Wolf Army say that if they manage to get control back, the result will be the same. A wanton killing spree on wolves will begin.

The proposal still has to be passed by the U.S. Senate.

By Vincent Kennard
Pic credit: Not listed